Our Photo Gallery
Welcome to our photo gallery! Here you can find snapshots of this year’s productions, rehearsals, and events. For previous years, please check out our digital ‘Archive’!
We are always on the lookout for photographers and videographers, so if you would be interested in working on our next show with us, get in touch
The Importance of Being Earnest
Directors: Evan Lehane, Jack Hitchcock
Producers: Omera Shaikh, Alex Howe
Writer: Oscar Wilde
A trivial comedy for serious people about a man who lives a double life.

Gir'tons of love
Directors: Lauren Court, Marin Lee
Producers: Evan Lehane, Jack Hitchcock
Writers: Lauren Court
This was the 2023 freshers week play that told the story of how 3 freshers saved freshers week.

Peter PAMS
Directors: Jack Hitchcock, Evan Lehane
Producer: Marin Lee
Writers: Lauren Court, Heather Irvine
Peter PAMS was the 2023 GADS pantomime and GADS adaptation of Peter Pan.

Directors: Lauren Court, Zac Copeland-Greene
Producer: Harry Goolnik
This was our May Week Shakespeare for the year 2023

Past productions
Here are some poster from our previous productions. Enjoy!